Self-Paced Class

For just $1 a day, you can have this whole 21 day course at your fingertips – and includes the journal free of charge. In the privacy of your home, your office, or with a group you have formed, this transformational course can assist you in mastering your life and finding peace. Sign Up Now 

Group Classes

Experience the power of collective consciousness as you complete the course alongside a group of other students. Periodic conference calls and a private Google group allow you to share your experience, and benefit from the unique experiences of the other class participants. Join an Upcoming Class  

Peaceful Moments

Peaceful Moments are inspirational messages from our founder, Millie Bokern. There is no cost to receive these spiritual messages to your inbox from time to time. Subscribe Now 


Our Courses

The Author

Millie Bokern

Millie Bokern is a retired RN, author, wellness educator, speaker, and seminar leader. After retiring from the hospital scene, Millie became an advocate for teaching people about wellness. She travels extensively, giving lectures and workshops. As a personal consultant, she has had numerous opportunities to identify what causes the dis-ease in others. In Know Thyself: 21 Days to P.E.A.C.E., Millie offers a unique blend of fun and fact; compassion and empowerment; work and play; to assist one in finding inner peace.


“It made me aware of who I am. I am my own self — part of this great Oneness that I keep seeing and hearing about each day. Everything and everyone is alive in this oneness. I FEEL PLUGGED IN NOW!”

— Dorothy, Sales

“It made me realize that the blocks were self-imposed by old teachings and beliefs. I now know how to ALLOW!”

— Verland, Artist

“I came into the course wearing diapers and left wearing a designer dress!”

— Elizabeth, Author